hey there every1...sorry bout da previous post n SORRY VIDYA!!!!!....my cuzzin was on a frenzy when she saw my last post...she said wat i posted was pnc n she would b in deep deep deep shit if her company knew tat this kinda info which i posted got leaked out..well now i noe...n now i've gotta evaluate b4 i post anything...tats was some serious thing there...if she got fired bcuz of me....BOY...IM IN DEEP SHIT NEXT!!!!...but it sounds interesting init....getting some1 fired...wakakakkakaka....

anways..man utd..u really broke my heart into a gazzilion pieces...though every1 noes they will eventually have da cup in their hands....it aint cool 2 b overconfident.......ferguson my boy...champions league is coming up...u better use ur brains man...